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Jambe Chicken Noodle, The Legendary Chicken Noodle at Tabanan Regency

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A few days ago a friend asked, what is Tabanan special food but not pork? It’s hard to answer, but I recommend the legendary Chicken Jambe Noodle. Even though it’s not a typical tabanan food, in my opinion, chicken noodles are different from other chicken noodles.

What is the difference? The most significant difference is the size of the noodles, which are bigger than chicken noodles in general. The variety can be added with claws or eggs. The taste ? It’s delicious, don’t doubt it. Price? CHEAP! still under 10K, last I came here the price with eggs was still under 10K.

Besides chicken noodles, there are also Gorengan like Banana Fried, Fried Tempe and other. The fry are no less Delicious.

The location is very easy to find. Close to the Wagimin Tabanan Field or often called the Tabanan Jambe Field. That’s why Chicken Noodles are often called Tabanan Jambe Chicken Noodles.

Open starting from 5 in the afternoon, until it runs out usually. It is highly recommended if you are confused about what to eat in Tabanan City.